O passado do verbo TO BE tem apenas duas formas: (was, were).
Forma afirmativa:
I was. (eu era/estava)
You were. (você era/estava)
He was. (ele era/estava)
She was. (ela era/estava)
It was. (ele/ela era/estava)
We were. (nós fomos/estavamos)
You were. (vocês eram/estavam)
They were. (eles eram/ estavam)
Forma negativa.
I was not. (eu não era/estava)
You were not.
He was not.
She was not.
It was not.
We were not.
You were not.
They were not.
Forma interrogativa:
Was I?
Were you?
Was he?
Was she?
Was it?
Were we?
Were you?
Were they?
Forma interrogativa-negativa:
Was(I, he, she, it) not?
Were(you, we, they) not?